Country Code Data

This is a complete list of all country ISO codes as described in the ISO 3166 international standard. A country code is a short alphanumeric identification code for countries and dependent areas. Its primary use is in data processing and communications. Several identification systems have been developed.

These codes are used throughout the IT industry by computer systems and software to ease the identification of country names. We have compiled them in the quick reference table below in order to help quick conversions from the numeric or 2 letter code to any country name.

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The data includes international standard ISO3166-1-Alpha-2, ISO3166-1-Alpha-3, ISO3166-1-numeric, Dial, CLDR display name, MARC, FIFA, is_independent, GAUL, FIPS, WMO, ITU, IOC, DS, UNTERM Spanish Formal, Global Code, Intermediate Region Code, official_name_fr, UNTERM French Short, ISO4217-currency_name, Developed / Developing Countries, UNTERM Russian Formal, UNTERM English Short, ISO4217-currency_alphabetic_code, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), UNTERM Spanish Short, ISO4217-currency_numeric_code, UNTERM Chinese Formal, UNTERM French Formal, UNTERM Russian Short, M49, Sub-region Code, Region Code, official_name_ar, ISO4217-currency_minor_unit, UNTERM Arabic Formal, UNTERM Chinese Short, Land Locked Developing Countries (LLDC), Intermediate Region Name, official_name_es, UNTERM English Formal, official_name_cn, official_name_en, ISO4217-currency_country_name, Least Developed Countries (LDC), Region Name, UNTERM Arabic Short, Sub-region Name, official_name_ru, Global Name, Capital, Continent, TLD, Languages, Geoname ID, EDGAR.
